I think I mentioned it before, but in case I didn't I joined the Embroiderer's Guild nearly a year ago now. Each month at the guild meetings the Birmingham branch has a raffle. Last year we had one tote bag that a member would design and every body else would bring something to put in it. This year we're having two raffle bags a month, a big one and a little one. Each month has a colour theme, and for the January meeting the colour was red, and I chose to decorate the little bag.
I used a rose grahpic I found online, printed it, cut out all the petals, and used these as templates to cut fabric. I used Bondaweb to attach each petal to a piece of calico, used a bit of batting and another piece of calico behind it, then went around each petal with a zig-zag stitch a couple of times. Finally, I zigzagged around the edge of the square and used Bondaweb and a bit of invisible thread to attach it to the bag.
I was quite pleased with the outcome!
The rose looks amazing!