20 March 2012

IHSW fail.

I completely failed to do any cross stitching this weekend, so this is a post to say there is no IHSW post.

What I did do this weekend is finish two commissioned Pixelhobby pieces and send them out. As soon as they have been received I will be posting pictures.

I have also been working on a video game sampler pattern.

No pictures today I'm afraid!


  1. Hello

    My IHSW was pretty poor too.

    looking forward to seeing your Pixelhobby pieces,

  2. what no stitching nooooooo ...lol can't wait to see your wee pixels ones though :0 love mouse xxxxx

  3. Sometimes that happens but looking forward to seeing what you've been creating :)

  4. Commission work always trumps everything else. :D Looking forward to seeing the pixels. :D

  5. it happens, i too was working so I'm having my IHSW this weekend instead :) I've given you an award, check my blog for more info :)

  6. No photos yet, but you did a lot of work! Can't wait to see it when you'll be able to show it. Meanwhile, I nominated you for an award and you can take it from my blog :)

  7. I'm very much looking forward to seeing your Pixelhobby commissions, I bet they look fab!
    Best wishes.
